ac installer Los Angeles

Can the Filter in the AC Work as an Air Purifier?

Our AC installer in Los Angeles has been asked by our clients whether or not their AC filter can act as a purifier. If you have an AC at home, do you still need a dedicated air purifier? 


What Does Our AC Installer in Los Angeles Recommend? 

Air conditioners and air purifiers are two different things. The former cools the indoor temperature while reducing humidity. The latter, on the other hand, cleans indoor air by eliminating contaminants, allergens, smoke, and odors. In other words, an air purifier improves your indoor’s air quality while the AC creates a comfortable indoor environment.


Even though an air conditioner has a filter, it still can’t act as an air purifier. The AC filter can clean the air. It can function by trapping contaminants and particulate matter. But, unlike an air purifier, it doesn’t clean the air in your house or office. 


Air Purifier for Health Reasons 

If you are suffering from a respiratory condition, it might be ideal to invest in a dedicated air purifier. You may also consider buying an air purifier when it’s time for you to buy a new air conditioner. Our AC installer can help you find the right models for these two appliances. 

Regular Maintenance for Air Conditioner 

But just because you have an air purifier at home, it doesn’t mean that you ignore the recommended regular maintenance for your AC. Keep in mind that an AC can accumulate molds and dust, which can trigger COPD


If the air filters in the AC are clogged with dust and particulates, they can’t function properly in removing particulates. In that case, the contaminants will just circulate into your room. You’ll inhale them, thereby, triggering a respiratory disease, like asthma. 


How Often to Clean the AC Filters? 

It depends on the recommendation of your AC’s manufacturer. You will know more about it by referring to the user manual. Typically, you need to clean it every month and replace the filter every three months. Then again, the frequency will depend on your usage and whether or not you have pets at home. 


If there are pets inside your house, you need to clean the filter every week. You may also need to replace it every month. Failure to do so will only make your indoor environment unsafe, especially if one of your family members has a respiratory condition. A dirty filter can also trigger allergies. 


Purify the Indoor Air 

An air conditioner may have a filter inside the system but it’s not enough to purify polluted air in your home. In that case, you should invest in an air purifier as well. An air purifier is especially beneficial if you have pets at home. You may talk to our AC installer today to know more about the benefits of these two appliances. 


Safety of Your Family Members

To ensure that you are breathing clean air at home, you should consider installing an AC and investing in a dedicated air purifier. If you wish to know the best model to pick, you may consult with our AC installer in Los Angeles. Schedule a consultation at (323) 673-3107.